Monday 14 March 2016

Character Bio Urban Dramas

In this film flight we see this drug user she is female and has her own apartment. How she got the drugs was through prostitution displayed by the limited amount of clothes on. The shots we see before hand are of her and her mum suggesting that she is vulnerable and something happened that turned her down this root. We also only see her pick up the needle when it falls out the box suggesting she is recovering. She is young however still has experience suggesting it started early on in her life. The room is dimly lit and her eyes are black out illustrating her loneliness and self inflicting mood.  The drug in this scene is heroin which u can smoke or inject this is popular among films as is much more emotional and less funny as people die from drug abuse all the time. 

This character does not look vulnerable and is a man. The common conventions behind them is that they are strong and independent are can do better than females. This guys background is that he is a gang member and knows the drug dealer very well. He looks like he is addicted because of this however his personality does not make him seem like a victim but uses the drug like his relaxation. Again the drug he is going to be using is heroin because it is more powerful but this could display how manly he is considering he can handle it.  

In this picture we can see Trainspotting and the main protagonist who is inside a drug gang or drug user gang. His clothing is a short vest suggesting he has been living off of very low amount of money or he wants the easiest access to his arm to take drugs. He looks vulnerable as he is so skinny and smoking. His face looks white washed and drained. The man steals for his drugs which makes him a addict to the drugs. He will do anything for them even going through a toilet. The conventions are subverted of a man being strong willed and independent when the drugs dictate his life. He is also weak and not violent as he cannot control his body due the drugs.

In pineapple express you see two main characters the one on the right is the drug dealer and the one on the let is the recipient. They are just normal people with no particular purpose and a lot of spare time. The clothes of the one on the right look old and used suggesting he has ever not changed or he has been in them for days. This could be he is very lazy to change or the fact he cannot afford to do so. 
The man on the left looks like a businessman however only delivers letters. Again his suite is wrinkled and with drips of liquid along it suggests he is not smart. The conventions of these drug users are completely subverted considering that they are dumb and definitely not strong. In this initial meeting of them bot they don't seem like the hero or villians just no bodies. This could be like the drug they are taking weed is not in the light for films as it is not emotional and takes a lot to kill you. The addiction is weak and is mainly used for comedian purposes. So the fact that they are addicted shows they are weak minded individuals.

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