Friday 4 March 2016

Planning preliminary

Planning Preliminary 

Planning: During the planning stage, we very quickly came to the decision of what we were going to do. This is very good as we only had 3 lessons to finish the preliminary task. By the first lesson we had already decided that we wanted to do a opening sequence in the genre of urban drama. In the first lesson we were set the task of drawing a storyboard, before we went straight into writing or drawing on our storyboard we gathered our ideas and collectively brainstormed. We talked about having a drug deal as we wanted to do something with only two actors, that could easily be done at school during the lesson we had to film it, and that had a few good action scenes that we were looking for. Filming it at school was easy and effective as we wanted to do it in a secluded and isolated area with no-one around to make it as realistic as we could. Also acting is brief and the props were easy to get such as a phone and fake drugs which we made by putting powder in a bag. Doing our storyboard we had our most artistic candidate draw in the boxes and will and i wrote in the lines describing what we would do in each scene, explaining what would happen and how we would do it. The planning part has taught us that plans can change especially when it comes to filming, for example we couldn't get some of the props we wanted such as a gun.

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