Thursday, 19 November 2015

American Horror Story Opening Scene


0.03 there is a tracking shot of someone walking down the middle of hospital beds the low key lighting hides the covers and majority of them. The high key lighting coming through the window shines on the floor which could be covered in blood due to the shiny reflection. The sound is non diegetic and parallel to the camera shots that we are seeing. The sound is distorted and sound twisted maybe reflecting the life of the asylum. The editing cuts to a person in a bed who is dead with a purple face. The editing is fast paced making sure you don't really know what you are looking at. The hospital beds are white and the window at the back is antique illustrating how old the asylum is and conforms to horrors of a trapped feeling in which a person could be placed in. This is then amplified by the dead person who looks to be staring at that window or freedom knowing that it is too far away.

0.08 The extreme close up of the eye makes you feel emotional for the person you are viewing. The bandages around the face tell the viewers serious injury which is a common convention for a horror. An eye is commonly used in horrors as you are able to see the most amount of emotion and feeling for the person through the eye. 
0.10 The title is serif suggesting a horror setting in an old gold colour. Illustrating the audience what time period the american horror story is set in. Meaning people are able to relate to what sort of situation or experimental things were going on in a asylum. 

0.29 The close up of doctors gloves being peeled off can conform to the killer not wanting to leave finger tips and wanting to be unknown and thought about through conspiracy. This is due to large amount of blood in the background which suggests a serious injury that took place over a long period and did not end well. Again the editing is fast paced meaning you are unable to jump to conclusions and figure out the plot for the episode. This is cleaver as it keeps people hooked and interested meaning they watch more.
0.42 This surgeon like operation looks very messy and un-precise on what they are looking at maybe suggesting possession of someone destroying an original body. Or a slasher where the killer is paranoid and maybe searching for something in a large body. These are both conformities of general horror and give a indication of where the story line is heading and how it is no different to any horror. This is probably why they only have it on screen for less than a second. This proves the editing is fasted paced and seems to be getting quicker. This may be illustrating a panicking mind which starts to look around very quickly and jump to conclusions quickly.
0.54 This conclusive ending displays someone solitary in a room the non diegetic music displays the morbid nature someone solitary confinement through a loud drone which drags for a couple of seconds. 

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