Wednesday 24 February 2016

Feedback - What we can improve on

Feedback - What we can improve on
 Here we have got some feedback that focuses on our background music. It tells us to match up the music and to increase the volume a little bit. We need to make sure that the music in the background flows and doesn't stop and start at different points. We have also taken into consideration their comment by increasing the volume.
 Some feedback that we got is that the sound after the rewind was quiet and we were told to use a bigger font. Due to other feedback also telling us to increase the sound at certain parts, we have taken this aboard and increased it at the points we need to. Also we are working on increasing fonts and making better typography.
 In this piece of feedback we are told to change the title font and the positioning of the titles in some of the shots, and to reduce some of the footage of our actor walking. We have already started to reduce some of the walking scenes by cutting them a lot shorter to clips that will work and will not be boring. We have also found a font that better suits our idea and we are placing them in more conventional and appropriate parts of our footage.

Here again we have been given feedback on sound, this shows that this was one of our main issues as we didn't appropriately fit in the music in the right places. We are now fixing this by placing the sound better.

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